Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Glow 38" x 48" (acrylic on canvas) 
This particular piece is my most recent work. I wanted the image to almost look as if it is moving. I did this by using intense motions and and the contrast between black and white. Like several of my previous black and white pieces I inserted a color that I thought would stand out. I wanted a color that was bright and noticeable one that would catch the attention of the viewers eye. The bright green added a glowing aspect to the piece. The placement of the green gives off this glowing effect, which draws the viewer in, and allows the viewer to notice the details of the piece. I feel that this is the best illustration of the specific feel that I wanted to portray in my black and white series.

To see more of my work follow the link to my website.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hidden Sky

Hidden Sky 38" x 48" (acrylic on canvas) 

This particular piece was my attempt at emphasizing the color blue in a strictly black and white color base. As you can see the major portion of this piece is black and white, but here and there one may notice patches of a sky blue. The placement of the blue causes the eye to travel across the canvas. I feel as if there is a "Hidden Sky" in this piece. The blue sky is overwhelmed the black and white movement therefore it appears to be hidden. It is almost as if the sky is trying to break through the layers of black and white. 

The link to my website is

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Rigid Flow

Rigid Flow 38" x 48" (acrylic on canvas) 
This was my first piece where I explored black and white. Prior to this work i had not used the "colors" black and white. When creating this piece I was more deliberate with the way I threw the paint at the canvas. The heavy layering along with the chaotic movement created a "Rigid Flow." I really like the way that the black and white complement each other. If you look closely you can see where I inserted small areas of gold and orange. I did this to offset the strict black and white color scheme. This piece was the first of my series "Its Not Just Black and White."
Thanks for checking out my blog.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Superman 60" x 20" (acrylic on canvases) 

This piece is primarily about youth. The selection of several primary colors personally reminds me of childhood. Each one is bright and energetic, which is very similar to the character of a child. When viewing this piece i think of the innocence and hope that we find in our childhood. This particular piece was a major change of tone in my work. In some ways it is a refreshing piece.

Thanks for checking out my blog, to see all my art please go to my website.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Reflections 24" x 30" (acrylic on canvas) 

In this piece I created a muddled reflection effect. It is almost as if you can grasp an image but not clearly define it. Have you ever looked into the water and seen a blurry image of yourself? That same feeling is what i experience when I view this piece. Through all the muddled streaks of gray you can still see the beauty of the vibrant colors. The vague image may be hard to see but it is still there. This concept is a parallel to life situations. At times life has its moments that hide its beauty, but despite the overshadowing darkness the beautiful color remains. Even when its hard to see it is still there, you just have to look for it. 

Thanks for checking out my blog, to see all my art please go to my site.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Solar Flare

Solar Flare 38" x 12" (acrylic on canvas)

In this piece the use of the color orange played a major role in capturing unconcious feeling. The various shades of the color orange give off an explosive vibe. And the combination of the dark purple along with the bright orange intensify the explosive feeling. Although none of my work has a specific design or image, this piece naturally expresses the image of a solar flare. The intense motions and colors can make one feel as if they are at the edge of the sun gazing into a "Solar Flare."

Thanks for checking out my blog, to see all of my art please check out my site.

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Growth

The Growth 38" x 48" (acrylic on canvas)

In this work I used only shades of green and several mixtures of blue and green. The color green gives of a plant like feel. The word that comes to mind when I view this piece is "Growth". The feeling encompasses the viewer, just as the bright green encompasses the canvas. The movement in this piece is similar to the growth of a plant. When I view this piece it reminds me of the type of "growth" that vines exhibit. I feel that the viewer can relate to this piece because all of us exhibit some type of growth. 

Thanks for checking out my blog, to see my entire collection please view my site